Meta Game Changer Weapon

The use of quantum meta-intelligence decipering technique in capturing and deciphering data based on meta-wave frequency and synchronicity to interactive cosmic vibrations in an identified space and time to project, forecast, predict an outcome of any business scenarios in split second.



Know Thyself Know Thy Market Hundreds Battles Fought Hundred Battles Won.

To win without fighting, obtain your QMDJ SWOT report here


  1. An unbiased insights of your business’ prosperity quotient compared to competitors
  2. Reviewing new market capitalisation potential with strength analysis of human, financial, intellectual capitals
    Assessing if key drivers angled for expansion, penetration or retreat
  3. Forecast uncertain challenges and obstacles
  4. Possible strategies deployment to guide management decision making towards profit optimisation


Discover your Ikigai through your unique meta quantum Qi Men Dun Jia enterprising profile.

Transformation begins with self-awareness of your true life purpose, and discover your enterprising potential which are paramount to achieving breakthroughs in your current contributions or progressing to a transformational pursuit of true joy and achievement.

You are your business and your business is you.

More Info


  1. We can provide you a quantum calculated personal QMDJ transformation report on:
    Identify prosperity quotient and prospects in your career and/or business
  2. Discover and activate your subconscious and innate talent to support your goal attainment quest
  3. Discover limitations to attain breakthroughs in work and earnings
  4. Understand source of your enterprising capacity and inspirations
  5. Customised executions towards transformations



Wan YC

”Zelda Cai is a highly skilled and knowledgeable practitioner of Qi Men Dun Jia, and I am delighted to share my positive experience with her guidance. As someone who has been actively involved in trading financial markets instruments like FX and com-modities, I was...

Carole Singapore


World Cup Forecast Group

 Zelda:  Greetings all. After seeking approval to share my forecast method to World Cup for learning purpose, this is qimen chart plotted the day before the match Argentina vs Croatia. Chart reflected Argentina has stronger team. External forces not smooth...

Haneef Khee

I recently had the opportunity to consult with Zelda, who provided me with invaluable insights into my character and direction in business using QiMenDunjia. I was thor-oughly impressed by the accuracy and depth of the information provided. Zelda was able to identify...

Eizen Chee

I met Zelda for a first reading on 4 Feb 2023 and my feedback is an immediate shift in my perspectives. Zelda is very clear and detailed in her analysis, at the same time, she has offered ac-tion plans for different situations. Her in-depth analysis of personal charts...

WHY We Are Your Sought After Game Changer Adviser

  • No costly data researches service is required.
  • No deployment of men hours to be spy.
  • No time resource required to gather data.

But in 1 minute of plotting a QMDJ quantum chart, unbiased representative data be revealed.

Our consultant will provide a professional assessment to your overall business prospect and profitability as per your consult query.

You have the option to be amazed at the powerful synchronised state revealed without challenge to integrity of data to asking for advancing strategies, and tactics to transform or transcend from current state of wellbeing for your business.


Engage Your QMDJ Market Strategic Consultant

  1. Equipped with insights to macro cosmic influenced trends towards supply and demand, competition and challenges, evolution of market needs and desires
  2. Accumulated years of practical business operation experiences to empathise perspectives and analyse the set of quantum data relating to SWOT situations, with precision
  3. Result oriented tailored made suggestions to prepare for unfavorable situation, or mitigate risk to optimize investment and reducing losses


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The Chief Alchemist

. . . Her capacity to foresee beyond one’s current position, further value added to her advisory to her clients. Enabling them to benefit greatly from the game changer consult-coaching sessions . . .

Book appointment

Reach out to our Chief Alchemist or consultant team to resolve your challenges, to provide you clarity in advancement to support your enterprising endeavour towards success.

Singapore Address:

22 Sin Ming Lane Midview City Singapore 573969

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